What Dr. Oz Has To Say

Did you all see Dr. Oz on January 5th (maybe the 4th). He did his list of top ten "major agers" and one of them was bar soap. The problem with most bar soaps is that they are very harsh to the acid mantle of your skin. The chemicals found in these soaps strips the skin of it natural protective layer, leaving it dry, irritated and exposed to bacteria and infections in our environment. These soaps also do not break down in our water systems. We are currently seeing only female fish in our rivers and streams and this is because many of the chemicals found in commercially produced soaps mimick estrogen. When a fish is developing its sex organs, these mimickers trick the fish into thinking it is a female (because of the preceived presence of estrogen) therefore, no male organs develop. His solution - natural, pH balanced soaps. What could be more natural than Itty Bitty Soaps? They are made with all natural ingredients, such as vegetable and essential oils. They are not only gentle to your skin, but very nourishing as well. Feel confident that when using Itty Bitty Soaps, you are not only saving your skin from damaging and aging chemicals, but you are also doing your part to protect the delicate balance in our water supply too.

1 comment:

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